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Manufacturing is Celebrated this Month


Good morning hope all is well as Wisconsin is again locking down with Bars and Restaurants being restricted to 25% capacity. But manufacturing businesses still need to keep moving forward and they are trying to do that.

Manufacturing is the number one contributor to Wisconsin’s economy, producing $63 billion in total output each year – 19 percent of Wisconsin’s total Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Additionally, the state’s more than 9,000 manufacturers employ nearly 500,000 people.

Manufacturers are the lifeblood of our local and state economies and that is why we all are so excited to celebrate October as Manufacturing Month in Wisconsin.

Today, we celebrate all those who make manufacturing their line of work.

Manufacturing and the people who work within this industry as so important to our state.

So, during the Month of October we hope all young people especially those unsure of which career path to follow will find out more about manufacturing during this month.

Kurt Bauer President of the Wisconsin Manufacturing and Commerce group recently stated Our state’s rich manufacturing heritage is well-known throughout the world, but it is the industry’s future that is now sparking international attention, Thirty years ago, the industry was viewed as dumb, dirty and dangerous. Today, it is high-tech, high-skill and high-pay.

And I agree 100%.

All of us at Premier fully support Manufacturing in Wisconsin and hope all young people take a serious look at the manufacturing industry as we believe this is a strong, high skilled and high paying line of work.

IF you would like to learn more about how we can help young people get into Mfg. please email or text us the word “Manufacturing”

We thank all of you that make manufacturing your life and want you to know that we appreciate all your efforts.

Have a great day and let us continue to keep making manufacturing great in Wisconsin.

414-254-5150 / info@pmtmidwest.com