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If the industry considers you the best and someone copies you….is that flattery?


If the industry considers you the best and someone copies you….is that flattery?

Is a copy ever as good as the one they copied?

If you have a machine that is so well built with a great reputation that the industry states it is the best, would a copy be a good option? In this episode of the Premier Post Minute we want to introduce to one of the originals, Kuraki Boring Mills

YES, there is a reason people always come back to buy the BEST Horizontal Boring and Milling from KURAKI!

The core businesses of Kuraki focuses on the development, manufacturing and sale of “machine tools”. Their product portfolio comprises Horizontal Boring & Milling Machines especially designed for heavy duty machining in large-size d and heavy workpieces in various models tailored to the specific customer’s requirements.

The technologies developed and refined in the course of the design of these boring mills enabled them to also engage in the manufacture of “special machinery” for high-precision machining and mass production in a wide variety of applications such as automotive engineering, ship building and medical equipment

These technologies combined from perfect synergies to continuously increase their know-how and experience enabling them to provide manufacturers with highly efficient and high-value machines which frequently lead to the development of innovative products.

To learn more, you can call or text the word “original” and I will share more information with you. Premier Machine Tool Midwest – Sales 414-254-5150 / info@pmtmidwest.com

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